Select a VRF for Local Breakout Configuration NEW!

Enable Auto-sense to manage the VRF after it detects an ExtremeCloud SD-WAN peer.



This procedure does not apply to switch models that support only a single active VRF with IP configuration.

Before you begin

  • Create the VRF on the switch.
  • Enable Auto-sense on the port that connects to the SD-WAN Appliance.

About this task

Auto-sense automatically configures BGP and RIP redistribution policies between the selected VRFs and the dynamic SD-WAN VRF.

This feature applies only to VRFs that exist on the same Fabric Extend switch that connects to the SD-WAN Appliance, and only for local or direct subnets on the same VRF. IS-IS does not advertise the LBO-injected routes further than the local switch.



You cannot manually configure BGP on a VRF with an LBO configuration.


  1. Enter VRF Router Configuration mode for a specific VRF context:


    configure terminal

    router vrf WORD<1-16>

  2. Enable LBO on the VRF: